BC Matthew Ryan Scholarship

The B. C. Matthew Ryan Memorial Scholarship Fund was founded in memory of Battalion Chief Matthew Ryan, who lost his life on the third floor of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Chief Ryan had 28 years of service with the Fire Department, working 19 of them in Brooklyn. Two of his biggest passions were the FDNY and playing hockey. Therefore, the scholarship was set up as follows below.

Applicants must meet both the following criteria:
Must be the daughter or son of an active, retired or deceased (both Line-of-Duty and Non-Line-of-Duty) member of the Fire Department.
The firefighter must be an active, retired or deceased hockey player on the FDNY hockey team, a firehouse team, a town hockey team, a local team or a league team.
Two $1,000.00 scholarships are awarded annually and can be used for college/university, high school, trade school or private school. All monies are distributed directly to the appropriate educational facility for credit to the student’s account.

The Ryan family along with the committee would like to thank you from the bottom of their hearts for helping to keep his memory alive and the memory of all those lost.

BC Matt Ryan Scholarship Fund

File Name: Matt_Ryan_Scholarship_form.pdf
File Size: 96.65 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 2938 Hits
Created Date: 02-25-2020
Last Updated Date: 02-25-2020
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